New identity for an old soul

Have you ever felt like something was missing when you tried to tell people who you are or what you do?

Heroes & Fireflies Launch

Here’s why I’m asking. This afternoon, I’m bringing my new business cards, with my new logo and new website url to my friends Mali and Misti’s book launch celebration, Heroes and Fireflies, at the National Press Club…and for the first time ever, as I’m telling people at a networking event who I am and what I do professionally, I will feel completely true, completely authentic, and completely reflecting my deepest self.

Not that I ever told a lie in my “elevator speech.” I really was a program director, or a playwright/actor, or a sales and marketing expert (25+ years!), or a trainer. But each time, I felt like something was missing – like I had to leave something of myself out in order to be successful at whatever I was doing. How can I run an Alcoholism Peer Education program when I’m trying to write my book?  How can I write my next play when I’m focused on selling enough subscriptions to meet this years goal? How can I make enough money to support myself if I’m feeling called to perform my moving but not very lucrative one-woman show? Even as I began to build my own business as a speaker/trainer, I focused on the topics of sales and networking because that’s what the market needed and would buy.

What was the “something that was missing?” Recovering from my experiences as the oldest daughter in an alcoholic family, I had become a life-long student of spiritual principles and human development. So I kept asking the Universe to show me my life’s purpose,  my own answer to “who am I and what do I do?” After over 40 years of searching, exploring, trying things on and leaving things behind, I got my answer. My life’s purpose is bigger than any one job, or business or creative project.  My life’s purpose flows from my passion, which is simply to encourage moments of joy in myself and others.  The business identity part of my life’s purpose was in process of emerging in every single position I ever held, or business I ever tried, or creative endeavor I ever undertook – all of which have prepared me for this identity. They have taught me the languages of sales and marketing, non-profits, and creativity because I’ve lived and worked in each of those “geographies.”

Terry's new logo

So those are the geographies where I’ll go to introduce myself – I’m Terry Nicholetti, America’s More-than-Motivational Speaker. My company is Empowering Works™ and I help people unleash their passion for positive action so they can get unstuck and get going on their dreams and their lives. The skills I teach are very practical in the arenas of sales, networking, communication, public speaking, and creativity. What makes me unique is that I know how to engage my audience at a deep level, with humor and stories, so they can connect with their authentic selves as they learn these skills. I infuse my work with joy!

May I ask who you are?

With love and blessings,


Welcome to Speak out, Girlfriend!™ Blog! I look forward to an exciting dialogue and sharing of ways to get from Fearful to Fabulous as we find our voices and share our brilliance with the world. Come again!

LIghts, Camera, Action!

Last week I had a chance to add positive energy to the world, and I
blew it. I’m not going to beat myself up (too much!) but I would like to
learn from this experience, and maybe you can too.

I was getting a quick supper at our local Sizzling Express when a camera
man from WUSA Channel 9 (CBS) appeared. They were doing a story on
“credible threats” that terrorists were going to poison food in salad
bars to kill Americans and disrupt the economy. He asked me what I
thought about this, and would I comment on camera.

Ok, I’ll admit it – I’m a performer and public speaker for a reason – I
do love an audience. But I wish I had taken a moment to check in with
Source/Spirit before I spoke. I said, “I don’t like all this fear stuff
that keeps coming at us. Be afraid of this; be afraid of that. I will go
about my business, be as careful as I can, but I don’t like it.” I
suddenly realized how negative I was being, so I added, “I will pray for
them.” That line got cut from the clip.

When I watched the clip on the WUSA website streaming video, I felt sad.
Why didn’t I say something about acknowledging the fear, and then
holding a positive vision of how we would like things to be – a world
where everyone is so in touch with their spiritual, true nature that no
one needs to harm another to feel ok. I admit, that’s a BHAG (big, hairy
audacious goal), but I truly believe in the notion that if we focus on
what is, we’ll get more of the same. The only way change can come is
from accepting with love what is, looking for aspects that we can enjoy
and appreciate right now, and then shifting our thoughts and feelings to
focus on how we want things to be.

Next time I’m invited to speak on camera, or maybe next time I even open
my mouth, may I remember this lesson. May we all be blessed with the
Light and love promised by this sacred season.