Coming Soon!
Have you ever wondered if there is more to you than what you see or what you can get done?
Are you an artist or wellness professional who is responsible for sales for your own company, or for your company’s sales team?
Are you looking for a speaker or performer with an exciting new topic for your next event?
I meet lots of people who understand the power of networking and building relationships but Terry Nicholetti gets it and knows how to inspire people to get out of their comfort zones and build new business relationships.
Alex P. Orfinger, Executive Vice President
American City Business Journals
Click here to read more success stories!
I’m Te
rry Rose Nicholetti. I used to be a teaching nun who kept a vow of silence at night for five years. Now I’m a professional actor, sales and networking trainer, speaker and writer with over 35 years experience in sales and marketing. And after a decades-long spiritual quest, I LOVE knowing how much more there is to us than what we can see or get done…and passing that information on to you!
I’m most passionate about encouraging people to connect with who we really are, our deepest inner selves, the Source of all that is good in our lives. In other words – our Souls.
When that connection comes FIRST, along with acceptance of where we are RIGHT NOW, we are inspired and empowered to take practical steps towards our dreams and our goals. And we find so many more moments of Joy! I’d love to be Chief Encourager for you or your team.
Our site is under revision right now to make it easier for you to see how we might work together. In the meantime I welcome you to email me directly so we can set up a phone chat about your needs. [email protected]
Also, sign up for your free gift and my occasional newsletter (to the right of this section).